Last Blog of The Year - A Reflection

The initiation of this blog was born from conversations I’d have with other beauty professionals, clients, and friends who inquired about certain services and practices. I realized that a lot of the concerns were overlapping, especially when it came to eyelash extensions. Add to that the conversations I’ve engaged in with other professionals across the globe by way of Facebook, Instagram, and this blog. I believe the Facebook groups to be the most telling of all. I’ve consulted personally with some artists/beauty pros to help them streamline their services and practices as well as improve their clients’ experiences.

Since beginning this blog in September, I’ve had the pleasure of talking with artists from the UK, Canada, Australia, and many across the US. It’s been a fantastic, and extremely humbling, experience. I don’t know it all; I just know my own trials and errors which I’ve always been very candid about. I’m told that my candidness is what has encouraged people to reach out to me. Transparency speaks to integrity and integrity is something I hold in high regard. Doing this also forced me to be a bit more open on social media, something I vowed to never do when I started my accounts back when a verified college email address was required for Facebook.

I have to admit though, I don’t regret it. I’ve met and befriended some pretty cool people. I’ve also been exposed to some great product vendors for supplies that I use in my practice. While I have my favorites when it comes to big name brands, I have a soft spot for the emerging entrepreneur. In one situation, I was discussing my experience with a certain brand and type of lash extension, one of the women on the thread sent me an inbox message offering to send me samples of her brand’s lash extensions. It was a completely unexpected gesture and I gained a great new option in lash supplies. Not to mention she has exceptional customer service standards and communication. That’s always a bonus.

I think the best part about this experience is that my blog isn’t directed solely at Lash Artists or Microblading Artists, but it’s universal for anyone in the beauty industry or any entrepreneur in general. I know it’s cliché to say, but if only one person finds value and use in what I have to share, it’s worth it.

I’m going to keep this entry short because I’m sure everyone is prepping for the New Year in some way. I just wanted to share how I’ve come to love this blog in past few months of maintaining it. I never thought I’d be consistent or have enough content, but I come across new people and situations every day.

Happy New Year!! See you in 2018!